Employing proper private security guards in Los Angeles is simply the most ideal approach to protect, your property and assets. Los Angeles county, with a population of over ten million people is the most populous county in the United States. With a population that exceeds the population of 40 states, the need for Los Angeles Security Guards is growing by the day.
Adroit Private Security is one of the top security provider in Los Angeles County. Every single guard employed by Adroit Private Security is required to go through both DOJ and FBI background checks. Our Security guards go through intensive training sessions, in order to provide you with maximum security. Our security guards are trained by retired police officers who reinforce the important role that our guards provide in protecting people and property throughout Los Angeles. This training includes, but is not limited to:
- Power to arrest
- Observe and report
- Terrorism and WMD awareness
- Communications
- Public relations
- Post order duties
- Patrols
- Firearms
- Batons
- Pepper Spray
- CPR and first aid
Our security officers are yet another ground-breaking power of security that can give ideal protection to your business or property.Private Security Guards Los Angeles